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Posting During Crisis Mode: 3 Tips for Content Creators

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As new developments continue to unfold while many questions remain unanswered, it’s no surprise that the coronavirus pandemic is dominating the online conversation.

As a content creator, you’ve likely found yourself in a tricky position. Should you eliminate unrelated content that could be perceived as insensitive, or attempt to carry on as normal?

This initial answer is largely contingent upon where you (and the majority of your following) is located. If you’re speaking to an audience that’s primarily on lockdown, you already know that pushing people to buy your vegan skincare products isn’t the way to go. (I hope.)

For those of you living in an area where cases are mild but social distancing is strongly encouraged, your feed is probably filled with concerns and conflicting opinions.

While best practices can vary based on your niche, here are some go-to tips to follow when posting during crisis mode.

1. If you’re going to keep selling, make sure that you’re being extra sensitive about it.

Everybody is battling a variety of uncomfortable emotions, and your persistent DMs shouldn’t be one of them.

Avoid using increased vulnerability for your own personal gain. For instance, do not say “Tomorrow isn’t promised. Take a chance on my coaching program now!”

Instead, think about the specific ways that your skills or services could support people during this situation. For instance, digital offerings are becoming crucial as in-person gatherings are being postponed or cancelled. Can you help an organization expand their social media presence? Perhaps you could offer a training on how to offer more virtual experiences or successfully show up via video.

As long as you’re staying mindful of the situation at-hand, making sales during self-quarantine isn’t entirely out of the question.

2. Carry on with your content, but don’t be tone-deaf.

We’re all feeling a little out of touch with reality, and it’s normal to be unsure about how to publicly react.

Here’s a good rule of thumb: Unless you’re a medical professional, refrain from sharing advice and recommendations based on what you’ve heard and believe is accurate. That being said, taking endless selfies and failing to mention the issue won’t bode well either.

If you’re somebody who lets your followers in on your day through Instagram stories, consider sharing how you’re staying entertained while staying indoors. Offer tips for staying productive while working from home or keeping kids from going stir crazy.

This is a good opportunity to put your influence toward making a positive impact. Your actions might persuade somebody who wasn’t taking the issue seriously!

3. Strengthen your community at a time when they need it most.

In difficult times like these, we’re reminded of just how important it is to have a quality support system.

If you manage a Facebook group or other collaborative space, take the time to encourage meaningful conversations across your community. By exchanging helpful resources and tips, your members can build stronger connections and receive more value in exchange for being a part of your tribe.

For the latest information and guidelines on COVID-19, refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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