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'Tis the Season for Distractions: 4 Ways to Stay Motivated This Holiday Season

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Unless Ebenezer Scrooge is your spirit animal, there’s a good chance that you’re a fan of the current seasonal vibes.  

However, amidst the holiday candle hoarding and off-tune Mariah Carey belting, you might face a harsh realization: That boosted coziness has resulted in a productivity slump.

While it’s important to let yourself relax and embrace down time with family and friends, Santa’s pending arrival shouldn’t completely hinder your hard work.

Whether it’s less love for your side hustle or a decreased dedication to the workout gains, here are my tips for maintaining motivation during the holiday season:

1. Plan like a pro.

    A seemingly endless to-do list is bound to leave you feeling “blah,” so try setting daily objectives instead.

    By approaching your day with a structured plan of tasks to complete, this eliminates the chance of daydreaming about the Gingerbread house you’re making later.

    Along with benefitting your professional work, a solid plan can help maintain accountability for healthy lifestyle habits – such as hitting the gym.

    On Sundays, I like to construct a simple workout plan for the week ahead. Creating new workouts and switching up your routine can make the process more fun, and these plan-ahead strategies will ultimately increase your productivity level.

    The holidays can cause our productivity to take a little dip, but some pre-procrastination grounding can go a long way in bringing you back to course.

    2. Embrace that seasonal spark of creativity.

      Is your workflow getting disrupted by “Jingle Bell Rock” playing repeatedly in your head? This happens to the best of us, but keep in mind that you can also leverage the festive flair.

      If you’re a blogger, use the holiday season as an opportunity to create a killer gift guide. Offer lifestyle tips that are specific to the holidays, like I’m doing in this very article.

      Before you start groaning about creating new content, think about how you can repurpose old content and add a seasonal spin.

      From the media side, it’s the perfect time to pitch your client (or yourself) as an expert on topics or behaviors that are particularly prevalent during the holidays.

      Start turning your distractions into tactics, and don’t forget to have fun with it.

      3. Allocate appropriately.

        Between office parties and family get-togethers, there’s a good chance that your social calendar is filling up fast.

        Particularly for my fellow side hustlers, those ugly Christmas sweater parties and holiday bar crawls might be a bad influence on your previously productive weekends.

        Rather than begrudgingly declining events and giving your laptop the middle finger, start doing some serious reassessing.

        Identify your social commitments in advance, and allocate tasks based on your availability.

        Move your deadlines up when necessary, and tackle tasks in advance to make up for upcoming no-work zone activities.

        By re-shifting your priorities, you can socialize guilt-free – and won’t have a pile of work waiting for you when you return.

        4. Take your PTO seriously.

          Millennials are taking fewer vacations, which can be attributed to the no-days-off mentality that’s been instilled in us.

          My ability to fully “unplug” still needs some improvement, but I hope to master it when I head to Jamaica in early January.

          Whether it’s a 2-week break or just a Friday off, start treating it like the vacation it’s meant to be.

          Let yourself lounge, and remember what it’s like to just “be” without constant reminders and looming anxiety over what’s next.

          Along with helping you return to work re-energized, this hiatus might even make you come back excited.    

          With a clear mind and positive mindset, some time off can serve as a friendly reminder that work is just a part of your life and doesn’t define you.

          So treat your upcoming holiday vacation as a reward for your hard work throughout the year, and let it fuel your focus until you’ve made it.

          10 Comments Add a Comment?


          Traci Heaps

          Posted on Dec. 9, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

          All great advise! My favorite is taking PTO. In my work most people take their PTO regularly I’m order to survive (nurses), but I know a lot of people who I’m other professions that just let it pile up. I say use it! It’s a much needed mental break!



          Posted on Dec. 10, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

          Sunday is my planning day too. I feel lost if I don't have a plan of attack for the week!



          Posted on Dec. 10, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

          This is great advice. With so many things going on over the holiday season, it's so easy to be distracted. But these tips will help me get back on track!



          Posted on Dec. 10, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

          My work is my blog, but these help immensely. I ensure I take a break once a week, and that means not even looking at my stats. I'm also taking the whole of Christmas week off so I can motivate myself ready for the new year.



          Posted on Dec. 10, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

          Hey! I found you in a FB group!
          Just swinging by to invite you to join my holiday link up party. I'd love to have ya!



          Posted on Dec. 12, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

          Love this, some great advice.



          Posted on Dec. 12, 2018, noon

          Great tips! :)



          Posted on Dec. 12, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

          Very good advice! I need to learn to say no to some plans so I don't get overwhelmed by how busy it gets. Time to relax is so important to make sure you make the most of that PTO!



          Posted on Dec. 13, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

          These are great ideas to withstand the holidays. I have to take the weekends off if I work an entire week anyway, life as an introvert is hard. I hope you have a great holiday, it’s coming quick!


          Abby | theMomCorner

          Posted on Dec. 14, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

          Great advice! It's very true that many millennial don't take nearly enough time off to truly, fully relax. Especially around the holidays!

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