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Supercharge Your Mental Health: 5 Self-Care Tips for Busy Bees

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During particularly stressful times, I often daydream of being whisked off to a private island and escaping from it all. 

However, since this is real life and I'm not a Kardashian, I have to resort to more practical measures.

Self-care can be especially challenging for the side hustlers and general goal-getters, as we are often balancing multiple projects on top of a full-time job. 

With our work taking first priority, how could we ever imagine taking time for ourselves? 

While it may seem impossible, it's critical that we give ourselves permission to make room for our mental health. Otherwise, burnout is pretty much inevitable. 

Here are my favorite ways to take a breather and reboot: 

Ditch the screen, and kick it old school.

As a PR pro and blogger, it's safe to say that I'm in a serious relationship with my laptop.

However, excessive screen time is like overbearing inseparability in a real-life relationship. Eventually, you need to remind yourself that there's more to life.

When I find myself getting too caught up in my computer screen, I shut it down and open a book.

Sometimes, it's really as simple as breaking free from technology and appreciating the simplicity of a story.

Plus, reading can provide a temporary escape from that project you're currently stuck on. There's a good chance that you'll return to your work feeling rejuvenated and re-inspired. 

Try a guided meditation.

When my anxiety was at an all-time high a few years ago, I was initially skeptical about the recommendation to give guided meditations a try. 

I'm glad that I pushed through those hesitations, because I'm a huge proponent of them now.

In a guided meditation, a trained practitioner helps you reach a more relaxed and positive state through a series of verbal instructions. 

These meditations help you re-shift your focus from your worries and workload to your breath and body.

While there are many misconceptions about meditation and mindfulness, these practices aren't overwhelming or time-consuming. 

My all-time favorite meditation podcast is The Meditation Minis Podcast by Chel Hamilton. Specifically designed for busy people, each session is 15 minutes or less. (Perfect for my work commute!)

As a regular victim of brain clutter, guided meditations are a great way to break through the noise and keep my mental health in check.

Escape the dungeon.

As my roommates are well aware, I'm not the most social person on weekends (or ever.) 

I often stay secluded in my bedroom to write, emerging only to go to the gym and cook dinner.

Although my particular lifestyle involves utilizing weekends for productivity, I try to remind myself to "see the light" once in a while.

Even if it's just a short walk to the shopping center, fresh air can make more of a difference than you would expect.

The same holds true for my day job, as I catch myself regularly working through my lunch break.

Recognize when you're feeling imprisoned by self-induced pressure, and remind yourself it's okay to break free. 

Laugh your ass off.

Confession time: If you've ever recommended a documentary or intellectual TV series to me, there's a 0% chance that I have checked it out.

This is because my viewing material follows a strict protocol. It has to be humorous, and it must require minimal concentration to follow.

That on-edge feeling can often linger after a stressful day is over, and a little comedic relief can turn things around for the better. 

That's why I always enjoy unwinding in the evenings with a funny show or movie, even if I've seen it countless times. 

Because sometimes there's nothing like Michael Scott's antics to melt the stress away.

Work it out.

As many of you know, I'm pretty passionate about exercise. However, you don't have to be a fitness fanatic to experience the benefits of a good workout.

Let's just say that Elle Woods was certainly on to something, because that post-workout happiness is too real.

I love to hit the gym after work, because it helps me let go of the daily stressors and lose myself in the music and movement.

Rather than treating the gym as another item on your to-do list, start viewing it as an opportunity to take care of your wellbeing.

Leave your expectations and calorie goals for another time, and just focus on showing up.

Along with improving your mood, the long-term results will boost your confidence. And suddenly, that whole self-love thing might get a whole lot easier. 

    22 Comments Add a Comment?


    Deborah Kos

    Posted on Nov. 25, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

    I like your idea of escaping the dungeon. Now, I know what to call it when I just have to get out and unwind.


    Suzanne (FibroMomBlog)

    Posted on Nov. 25, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

    I love this post! I feel like if we new each other, we would be friends. I can relate to all you just said. It is so hard to tear yourself away from the laptop when you have so many goals to accomplish. However, you are so correct with your advice of reading, meditation and exercise. Great post!


    Michelle Blackadar

    Posted on Nov. 25, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

    great list! i love watching television that makes me laugh, i was actually going to recommend the office but you’ve already beat me to it! I also enjoy dramaful shows like Grey’s Anatomy it helps me escape my real life for a little bit. self care is so so important!

    mich / simplymich.com


    Jennifer Dagi

    Posted on Nov. 25, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

    These are all great self care tips, Sara! I have a routine to help me reduce stress so I can be more productive. I make out time each day to read, watch a movie or go for a stroll.

    It calms my nerves and helps me feel refreshed to chase my goals. I've also found out that I can't sleep without meditating or reciting some affirmations.



    Posted on Nov. 25, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

    Great post, getting away from technology this day is age is so hard ???? but having a good laugh is the best remedy ?



    Posted on Nov. 26, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

    You provided some great self-care tips! The guided meditations sounds like something I may need to try!


    Elizabeth Sawchak

    Posted on Nov. 26, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

    These are such great tips! I've used the calm app before to try meditating but will have to check out the Meditation Minis! Thanks for sharing :)


    Abby | theMomCorner

    Posted on Nov. 27, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

    I completely agree with you on the screen time. As hard as it is when your job or side hustle is oriented online, it is definitely necessary to break away from it to come up for air. I like to read a book, or watch a tv show if I'm just trying to get off the computer and not off screens completely.



    Posted on Nov. 27, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

    so true! getting out and away helps reset and refresh! I think sometimes people can label self-care with money and your list proves it doesn't always have to be some lavish getaway!!



    Posted on Nov. 27, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

    Great ideas! I definitely get caught in the screen trap. With blogging, it's never ending so If don't actively shut off for awhile, I'll just be working forever!
    xo Chelsea |



    Posted on Nov. 27, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

    I love reading and meditating in my alone time. They're both great for anxiety reduction whenever day to day life gets too demanding.



    Posted on Nov. 27, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

    Great points, Sara. I'm in a serious relationship with my laptop too and reading serves as an excellent way to relax and recharge for me too.



    Posted on Nov. 28, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

    I love this post for so many reasons, starting with how relatable it is. "As a PR pro and blogger, it's safe to say that I'm in a serious relationship with my laptop." SAME. To a T. Thank you for these tips; I'll have to try them out.

    Cheers! sunshinewithsavannah.com



    Posted on Nov. 29, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

    I LOVE the escape the dungeon one! I do most of my writings inside my room as well. And while it's usually my shrine of inspiration and creativity, it CAN become a dungeon ????
    I love Chel Hamilton's Meditation Minis podcast as well and I'm happy to know someone who does too ????



    Posted on Nov. 29, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

    I'm going to look into the meditation podcast! I've been using the same meditation for a year or more, and I need new ones. For me meditation and workouts are super helpful with stress, and workouts help me with my self confidence :)



    Posted on Nov. 30, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

    There is nothing better than a good laugh cry! Feels so good to let it all out. Great post!


    Katie Mitchell

    Posted on Dec. 2, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

    Laugh it out. Yes! I have my go-to shows when things get too stressful.



    Posted on Dec. 2, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

    great tips especially with the holidays coming up.


    Anthony Catantan

    Posted on Dec. 3, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

    "However, excessive screen time is like overbearing inseparability in a real-life relationship. Eventually, you need to remind yourself that there's more to life."

    Totally! I can relate to this! :) Sometimes, we just lost ourselves and forget everything unrelated to what we're doing.



    Posted on Dec. 3, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

    It’s so easy to dive straight into a business your passionate about but you are right it can detract you from the things that you care about most. It can literally break you as a person and your relationships. These are really helpful tips to help one get their life back on track.


    Nina | Lemons and Luggage

    Posted on Dec. 3, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

    Reading a book!! Such a simple but great idea, thanks so much! I really need to do that this week!



    Posted on Dec. 4, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

    I love these tips. I always try to do a hike, go for a walk or exercise a few times a week to do self care. And sometimes just to give myself time to sleep for a whole day is also really helpful.

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