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3 Reasons your Emails Aren’t Converting (And How to Fix it)

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Are you spending hours crafting countless marketing emails, only to be let down by an embarrassingly low conversion rate? Before giving up altogether, take a deep breath and review your previous efforts. There’s a good chance that you may be guilty of making one or more of these common mistakes.

1. Your copy is either too vague or extra wordy.

    Take a moment to think about all of the emails you receive throughout the day. Which ones do you skim? Read closely? Ignore altogether?

    It’s important to keep this concept in mind when distributing your own marketing emails. Vague content won’t convince anyone to stop what they’re doing and “click to learn more.”

    Instead, your content needs to be especially relevant to your customers and address a specific pain point that they’re facing.

    On the other hand, our inboxes are busy. In order to truly stand out, your message needs to be unique and quickly grab their attention.

    To do this effectively, aim to eliminate unnecessary words and repetitive language as much as possible. Even if a customer successfully clicks your email, an overwhelming amount of text is a guaranteed way to lose their interest. 

    2. Your email lists aren’t up-to-date, and you’re using the same approach for everyone.

    While processes vary across companies, make sure that you have a reliable system for refreshing and removing contacts from your email lists as needed. Outdated email lists could be a leading contributor to your low conversion rates, as you may be pushing out irrelevant content to the wrong people.

    If data management is a challenge for your team, check out Master Data Services to save time and boost efficiency.

    Plus, don’t be afraid to get personal! There’s no one-size-fits-all approach that will resonate with all of your customers at once. That’s why it’s important to consider their diverse needs and tailor your strategy accordingly.

    A good way to put this approach into action is by segmenting your data based on behaviors, roles, and interests. You can also view where customers are in the sales funnel, and create customized content that moves them further down the funnel.

    Again, Master Data Services can be especially useful here for keeping customer data organized and avoiding the risk of errors along the way.

    3. Your layout is cluttered and confusing.

    Visual appeal is important, but it’s only effective if you’re purposeful about it. When incorporating imagery, make sure that graphics are placed strategically to allow for a clean layout. Graphics should also be relevant and effectively speak to the message you’re conveying.

    Additionally, we’re constantly reading our email on our phones. Therefore, it’s critical to be mindful of this and be sure that all emails are optimized for both desktop and mobile. Conduct thorough proofing and testing processes to eliminate any surprises.

    As a final item on your checklist, be sure that your branding is reflected in every email you send. There shouldn’t be any confusion as to why your customers are receiving this particular email, and why they should read it.