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5 Types of Jobs to Get Your Foot in the Door

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If you want to get some work experience under your belt before you start working towards your long-term career goals, certain positions can be particularly beneficial.  

These experiences will show you all sides of the working world, and may help you take that first step toward your chosen career. 

At the very least, you will gain meaningful skills and have a unique addition to your resume. Keep reading to learn which jobs to start exploring. 

Bar Work

While this likely isn't where you see your career heading long-term, a bar job can show you what it’s like to work in a high-pressure, customer-facing role where new challenges are thrown at you every night. 

To succeed in this position, you must develop good people skills and a focused mind. You also have to master the ability to cope under constant pressure and multi-task. 

Working as an Apprentice

If you're seeking a specialized job, there’s nothing wrong with completing an apprenticeship in order to make that happen. 

The great thing about apprenticeships is that you're able to learn on the job, and you'll eventually gain the knowledge needed to thrive in your ideal position. 

While this won't be a solution for everyone, it can be particularly useful for those with specific career goals. 

Working on a Boat

Want to avoid dull moments at work? Try joining a boat crew. 

There are always lots of yacht jobs to go around, especially in the summer months. 

This type of work will teach you to be disciplined and respectful, while also gaining the opportunity to see different parts of the world that you might not have otherwise had the chance to visit.

Freelance Work

When you’re young, you often still have the choice to be flexible before you're involved in too many commitments. 

Freelancing is fun because you get to be your own boss and regulate your own time. 

On the other hand, it also puts a big responsibility on your shoulders -  and that ownership can help you become a great leader in future roles. 

You’ll become familiar with the ins and outs of freelancing, and learn the best methods for making a consistent income. 

Volunteer Work Abroad

Sometimes, the best kind of work is volunteer work. 

If you want to provide support in a natural disaster zone or help with a wildlife conservation in Africa, you’ll have an unmatched experience. 

This type of work can completely change your perspective on life, which is important when you’re still learning and picking up information. You also won't have trouble finding places to provide assistance, because there are tons of volunteer opportunities out there.

As a young professional, these positive experiences can help steer you in the right direction and benefit you on a long-term scale. 

Little by little, these experiences will help you move closer toward that career you're truly passionate about.

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